Hi Commaful Friends,

We've got some big news, and it's pretty bittersweet. Commaful’s journey is coming to a close.

It wasn’t an easy call. The challenges of sustaining the platform financially and maintaining a safe, engaging community weighed heavily on us. After much contemplation, we realized it was time to turn the page.

You all are what made Commaful shine. Every story you wrote, every comment you made, they turned this place into something special. It's like you turned Commaful into a big, friendly gathering where everyone could share their tales and support each other. From shared laughter to words of comfort in tougher times, what you created here is nothing short of extraordinary. We're deeply grateful for every story told and every friendship formed.

As we bid adieu to Commaful, here's what's next:

Commaful wasn’t just a project to us; it was our lives for several years. This wasn’t something we put out there and just gave up on. And I hope it doesn’t feel like we gave up on you. We truly gave it our heart. Countless all-nighters, hundreds of hours of calls with all of you, and so many features built all between 2-3 people. When folks asked us how we were doing, we talked about Commaful. So much so that the questions from friends stopped being “how are you” but instead, “how is Commaful?” Commaful was all we thought about from the moment we woke up to the dreams we had when sleeping. Letting go is and will be tough, but the memories and the magic we created together are forever.

As we bid farewell to this chapter, our hearts are full of emotions. Sadness, for the end of an era; gratitude, for the journey we've shared; and hope, for the new adventures that await. We carry forward not just the lessons learned but the memories and the spirit of what we built together. Thank you for making Commaful not just a site, but a community pulsating with life, creativity, and dreams.

Keep weaving your magic,